healthy food for gut health

Helping to educate and empower those who struggle with gut health to support their body on a foundational level by focusing on real food and holistic lifestyle changes.

Our Mission

By working with Holistic Horizons Nutrition, clients can take back control of their health. Through the use of highly effective assessments and analyzing a food journal, I can help pinpoint the root cause of symptoms such as bloating, gas, heartburn, fatigue, headaches, and more. Holistic horizons nutrition also offers pediatric support for children with digestive concerns, fatigue, autism and picky eating to help make mealtime enjoyable again for everyone.

Do you struggle with:

  • Constipation

  • Bloating

  • Heartburn

  • Fatigue

  • Headaches

does your child

struggle with:

  • picky eating

  • constipation

  • eczema

  • sensory processing

  • poor attention

meet your NTP

Hi I’m Jenna!

When I decided to stop taking my hormonal contraception in January of 2022, I had no idea what the road ahead of me would look like. I was eager to stop taking it, shortly after getting married and decided to quit cold turkey. Little did I know that after 10 years of being on the pill and a lifetime of eating highly processed foods, the road ahead would be a challenging one. After months of research, educating myself and changing my diet, I was still struggling. It wasn’t until I enrolled in the NTA and started working with an NTP professional, that I saw a huge difference in my daily health. Now, I share that knowledge with other women who struggle with hormonal concerns, acid reflux, bloating, acne, IBS, brain fog, fatigue and much more.

My career as a Pediatric Occupational Therapist also inspired me to share my nutritional knowledge to help children. With experience with children on the Autism Spectrum, I have seen first hand how diet can play a huge role in symptoms and everyday life of these children. I can help you address your children’s health through both the lenses of nutrition and OT.

Our offerings


Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ) + Food Journal Analysis

Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ) + Food Journal Analysis + Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) 

Kind Words From Past Clients

  • "Jenna has changed my life!! My clean journey started a year ago when I approached Jenna with a skin concern. Through food/ mood journals, detailed questionnaires and live meetings, Jenna has helped me to identify possible allergens and inflammatory/ toxic ingredients in my diet, skin and makeup products, household cleaners, cookware and more! She has worked with me every step of the way in identifying replacement foods and products to meet my needs while striving for optimal gut health and nontoxic living. Overall, I feel more energetic, have noticed improved skin quality, experience healthier digestion and consistent menstrual cycles. I look forward to continue making positive changes in my life with the help of my NTP, Jenna"

    -Gabrielle G.

  • “I signed up to work with Jenna when I decided to come off birth control. She was very informative and really explained everything so thoroughly. She helps guide you on how to adjust diet, what supplements to take, and works with you to come up with a realistic plan that you can execute. She is very professional and experienced, and I would recommend anyone to work with her!”

    -Brianna R.

On the blog

chopping organic vegtables

How I got into holistic living

plate of balanced meal

How to build a balanced plate

grocery shopping guide

Holistic Living Grocery Guide

Do you go to the grocery store with the intent of buying healthy food only to come home confused and unsure about your purchases? Use this grocery guide as a tool to help you navigate the store with ease and come home feeling confident about your choices. 

Free discovery call

During your free zero-commitment consultation, we discuss your health goals and chat about what package options fit your unique needs.

healthy groceries